Tud'a Monte

Ovni na China!
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Author:  pharell [ 22 Jul 2010, 04:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ovni na China!

No primeiro episodio do ALF é dito que caso apanhassem o alien iam testa-lo e mata-lo de forma a dissecar tudo e ver como ele funcionava. No final ele foi mesmo apanhado.

"Actual quote from the first episode:

"We'll see how it responds to intense heat, freezing cold, high voltage, toxic substances, pain, sleep deprivation, inoculation [that's needles], and, of course, dissection."

"Why don't you just pull its toenails out?"

"You didn't let me finish."

Forget trying to learn about advanced science from this obviously technically superior species, our government would rather see what he looks like on fire.

Naturally, the Tanners decide that annoying or not, they absolutely have to keep ALF safe from the Alien Task Force so he won't be tortured to death. Over the next four years, the Tanners learned to love ALF and accept him as part of the family, until the Alien Task Force finally caught him!"

It starts when ALF receives a message from two surviving Melmacians, letting him know that they are going to colonize a new planet and want him to join them. ALF is torn between the continued survival of his species and his new family. Finally, he decides to join his own kind. The Tanners throw him a farewell party, have a very emotional goodbye and drive him to the outskirts of town to meet his friends' ship.

Then, just as the spaceship is preparing to pick him up, the Alien Task Force shows up, surrounding ALF. Frightened and low on fuel, his Melmacian buddies fly off, the agents close in on ALF and the credits roll, leaving viewers to assume the adorable, wise-cracking ALF is hauled off to be burned, frozen, poisoned, stabbed and finally gutted off-camera.

Author:  Berlioz [ 22 Jul 2010, 04:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ovni na China!

In the series finale, ALF is about to be rescued by other survivors of his home planet, but is instead captured by the American military, and the viewer is left to ponder ALF's ultimate fate.

This was not supposed to be the finale, as the original airing ended on a "To Be Continued" note. The producers supposedly had a verbal agreement with NBC to get at least one more episode to resolve the cliffhanger. NBC never made good on the deal, and the series was cancelled.

Author:  Johnny [ 22 Jul 2010, 11:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ovni na China!

Berlioz wrote:
Ok, estás parcialmente perdoado, mas mesmo assim...

Não peço que toda a gente conheça o Third Rock from the Sun, mas o Alf é um ícone da TV. xD


assistia isso todos os domingos :)

Author:  João Piruças [ 22 Jul 2010, 12:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ovni na China!

Houve um filme chamado Project ALF que continuou a história. Mas pelo que sei foi dar um bocado ao mesmo visto que dois soldados tentaram liberta-lo, mas depois levaram-no a um cientista que o queria revelar ao mundo, yada yada yada.

Sempre fui alto viciado pela série e agora estou a ver na RTP Memória, continua hilariante como sempre. =)

Author:  Cenotaph [ 22 Jul 2010, 22:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ovni na China!

eu achava piada quando era puto, mas daí a um gajo ficar viciado naquilo :P

Author:  nikA [ 23 Jul 2010, 12:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ovni na China!

kupp wrote:
Um míssil que tem o exauste de propulsão ao longo do corpo e com luzes?



Sim, se for um missil do tunning:|

Author:  carlinhuZ [ 24 Jul 2010, 01:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Ovni na China!

tipo o bot do nItU
loL0l0ol0ol=OL=ol0ol !

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