Tud'a Monte

Estilos Musicais
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Author:  pharell [ 02 Mar 2009, 23:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Estilos Musicais

Cavalgada das Valquírias = win :D

Em geral todos os actos da Opera Valquírias é genial.

Author:  Simon [ 03 Mar 2009, 01:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Estilos Musicais

Já tou mais que farto dessa música, tbh:|.

Cenotaph wrote:
Melhores versões? Não faço ideia, sinceramente:|

Mas já que se falou no Wagner, lembro-me quando era puto, praí 4, 5 anos, já gostar do Wagner e este desenho animado nunca me saiu da cabeça:



Ok, eu cá me arranjo então :P. Thanks.

Author:  CerebroHelado [ 03 Mar 2009, 01:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Estilos Musicais

Essa música faz-me sempre lembrar "Charlie don't surf!". Que cena fantástica 8?

Author:  Knoch [ 03 Mar 2009, 01:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Estilos Musicais

Esse video fez me lembrar disto

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4F92UmB ... annel_page

Author:  João Piruças [ 10 Mar 2009, 04:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Estilos Musicais

The Music Industry's Last Stand Will Be A Music Tax


Confesso que já tinha pensado que isto eventualmente poderia tornar-se uma realidade (não estando a dizer que concordo ou discordo).

Author:  Cenotaph [ 10 Mar 2009, 04:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Estilos Musicais

pau mandado, o simon manda por isso nos estilos musicais e vais logo atrás.

estariam os ISP dispostos a cobrar mais pelos seus serviços, estão os consumidores dispostos a pagar mais quando mts nao são culpados de nada? E quem iria favorecer a taxa? os artistas, as editoras? de q forma?

Resumo: nao faz sentido e nao vai acontecer, talvez alguns acordos com determinados ISP, como ate acho q ja ha, nada mais.

Author:  Simon [ 10 Mar 2009, 04:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Estilos Musicais

Primeiro, foi uma sugestão, eu não sou nenhum lobbyist. Segundo, achei que isso teria inevitavelmente que ver mais com música do que com IT até porque se trata de editoras de...música.

Author:  João Piruças [ 10 Mar 2009, 05:37 ]
Post subject:  Re: Estilos Musicais

Eu aceitei a sugestão porque eu próprio tive dúvidas sobre onde deveria postar. Logo, esse comentário foi desnecessário.

Author:  Cenotaph [ 10 Mar 2009, 10:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Estilos Musicais

susceptíveis, pá. :facepalm:

Author:  João Piruças [ 12 Mar 2009, 22:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Estilos Musicais

MESHUGGAH Guitarist: To Call NIGHTWISH Metal Is 'A F**king Insult' - Mar. 12, 2009 wrote:
MetalSucks: You guys came from Sweden with a lot of famous metal bands, at the same time as a lot of melodic death metal, which has sort of gone its own way now. How do you feel about that scene and those guys?

Hagström: I hate it. I totally loathe it. Listen, I have nothing against the guys in the bands. I have nothing against the bands. I'm happy for them. If they're doing well and if that's what they want to do then fucking, "Hey, good for you." If you're talking from my personal tastes, I prefer when bands play metal and not SLAUGHTER and pop music with fucking attributes of a metal band. You got two guys with distorted guitars and then you got two chicks singing and three keyboards and then they play "lalalala." It's not why I got into metal. It's not like I'm saying it can't be melodic. CYNIC is very melodic and still fucking awesome. There are a lot of bands that people appreciate a lot over here, like I said I'm happy for their success, but I do not care for their music at all. It's formula music. It's built the same way that pop music is. It's performed the same way pop music is with back tracks and everything. They're like, "Oh, we're so fucking bad-ass and we look so hard." Most bands from Sweden know what they're doing when they're playing. That's a great benefit. It might be music that I hate, but they can still pull it off, which is alright.

MetalSucks: It's good for all Swedish bands, I guess.

Hagström: I have nothing against it, but I would never listen to it. Having said that, there are a shitload of Swedish bands that I adore. THE HAUNTED is a great fucking band. ENTOMBED is a great fucking band. There is a lot of cool fucking shit around. A lot of the stuff that does well in Europe doesn't necessarily do well over here. It's like NIGHTWISH, they're from Finland; to call that metal is a fucking insult. It's probably good music, but it's not fucking metal. No way. I told Markus, on our label Nuclear Blast (because they're on it), "I know you're making a shitload of money, but you're making fools of yourself." He's like "I know". He's like that.


Hahaha, alguém que diga umas verdades. XD

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