Tud'a Monte

Team Fortress 2
Page 11 of 12

Author:  Scan_Ferr [ 29 Oct 2009, 21:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Fortress 2

Já não jogo TF2 praí há 2 meses :P

Author:  kupp [ 11 Dec 2009, 18:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Fortress 2

Acho que sou o único que ainda joga isto anyway. 9D

The War Update

So: how is the War update different from our other class updates?

In many ways, it's not. Like any other class update, the War update will reveal three new weapons each for the Demoman and Soldier throughout the week, as well as some maps, achievements, and surprises, right up until the day of release, when everything we've been teasing goes live.

Where the War update differs from other class updates is that we've decided to mix things up a little with, as the Administrator would say, "a healthy competition." A secret, exclusive seventh weapon has also been developed by the TF2 team. In other words, either the Soldier or the Demo (but NOT both) is walking out of this update with one more weapon than the other. If you want your class to have it, you're going to have to fight for it. The more Demomen you kill as the Soldier class will help ensure the Soldier gets the weapon at the end of the week. The more Soldiers you kill as the Demo will help the Demo class get the exclusive seventh weapon. Check back daily to see how your class is doing at the War hubpage — this is also where you'll see links to all the leaked previews of the weapons, maps, and surprises releasing soon with this update.

What if some of you try to cheat to bump the numbers? We'll know. (Though we also know many of you won't be able to resist trying anyway.)

Alright, enough talk. Who'd you rather see get this exclusive new weapon? The Demoman? Or the Soldier? The War starts right now, so get out there and vote with your kills!

Para perceber melhor isto, começou com este comic da Valve: http://www.teamfortress.com/war/administrator/

Demoman Update
Soldier Update

Author:  naT [ 11 Dec 2009, 18:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Fortress 2

Sim és o unico que ainda joga isto.

Author:  Cenotaph [ 11 Dec 2009, 19:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Fortress 2

provavelmente vou dar uns toques quando sair o update. mas agora ando limitado ao mw2:|

Author:  Knoch [ 11 Dec 2009, 20:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Fortress 2

Eu hoje já matei a minha cota parte de soldiers e Demo's. Em termos de balance, o conflicto é bastante interessante, os Soldiers dominam completamente o frente a frente, enquanto os demos dominam totalmente tudo o que toca traps, defesa e carts. E a valve mostra ter crescido 1 pouco, por a) não floodar os servers só com 1 class e b) dar tempo aos newbs para jogarem a class com um objectivo competitivo, para o patch day não ser a invasão de achievement hungry nuubs.

Btw im rooting for Swordfish

Author:  kupp [ 11 Dec 2009, 20:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Fortress 2

Eu matei 31 demos até agora, realmente nos UKCS é uma spam fest de soldiers estava à espera exactamente do contrário. Não suporto essa noobalhada. :')

Author:  Knoch [ 11 Dec 2009, 21:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Fortress 2

Tão de soldier, vai dar rape de pyro ou de demoman, e vice-versa. Atinge-se uma dinâmica gira de jogo, pelo menos pelo que vi no servidor dos KJ, onde as equipas tentavam fazer counter ao excesso de classes das outras, até que finalmente se lembraram que o equilibrio é melhor que ter n (insere classe aqui).

E como os demos e soldiers nao são alvos faceis para Snipers e Spies (principalmente os spies) já não vejo 5 spies por jogo :bear:

Author:  Knoch [ 14 Dec 2009, 12:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Fortress 2


Holy Cow

Author:  kupp [ 16 Dec 2009, 22:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Fortress 2

Free weekend a começar na 6ª.


Noob hunt season is open.

Author:  kupp [ 18 Mar 2010, 23:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Team Fortress 2

Novo update hoje/amanhã com mais armas e itens (leia-se, chapéus) \o/

Só é pena não o jogar desde que comprei o BC2 :/

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