A Blizzard anunciou ontem mais uma expansão para o WoW .
Esta expansão vai modificar completamente os velhos continentes de Kalimdor e Eastern Kingdoms para que se possa utilizar flying mounts . Duas novas raças Worgen e Goblin e vão ser eliminados stats como o Spell Power e Attack Power .
* Zones are destroyed in lava in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. The Barrens has been split into two, and is full of canyons of lava. Wetlands is destroyed, Ashenvale hit as well. The Maelstrom churns.
* 7 new zones will be added : Twilight Highlands, Mount Hyjal, Deepholm, Uldum, Gilneas, The Lost Isles, Sunken City of Vash'jir.
* The Goblins are driven from their homes on Kezan. They shipwrecked upon the Lost Isles, and have now accepted an alliance with the Horde.
* The Greymane Wall has been shattered and the gate to Gilneas opened. Those within have undergone the transformation into Worgen. Under siege by the Forsaken, the Worgen have joined the Alliance
* New Race/class combinations. For the Alliance: gnome priests, night elf mages, human hunters, dwarf mages, dwarf shamans. For the Horde: blood elf warriors, troll druids, tauren priests, tauren paladins, orc mages and undead hunters
* New monsters.
* Unearthed “Bastions of Antiquity”. More dungeons than ever before.
* Classic zones forever changed by the Cataclysm.
* Ability to fly anywhere due to the Azeroth revamp.
* Guild leveling system.
* Path of the Titans character progression.
* Ragnaros was banished, but has now returned…
* Malfurion Stormrage is back from the Emerald Dream, or at least present.
* There will be heroic Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep.
* Level cap increased to 85.
* “Hundreds of new quests” and a new secondary profession, archaeology.
E muitas outras mudanças .